Online Lead Follow up

Online advertising has provided an exciting, cost effective method of generating leads for a home service business. Online leads need to be handled differently than leads generated by other sources due to the mind set the person is in when they see the ad. Below are some tips for effectively following up on these type of leads.

1.  Organize and Track Leads:

  • Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to organize and track leads efficiently. This will help you stay organized and streamline the follow-up process.

2.  Respond Quickly:

  • Social media leads may have a short attention span, so aim to respond as quickly as possible. A prompt response shows professionalism and eagerness.

3.  Personalized Initial Contact:

  • Begin the follow-up process with a personalized message acknowledging their interest. Reference specific details from their inquiry or interaction to show that you’ve paid attention.

4.  Provide Additional Information:

  • Share additional information about your decorative concrete services. This could include brochures, project portfolios, customer testimonials, or links to relevant blog posts or videos showcasing your work.

5.  Ask Qualifying Questions:

  • Engage potential customers by asking questions about their specific needs and preferences. This not only helps you understand their requirements but also demonstrates your commitment to delivering a personalized solution.

6.  Schedule a Consultation:

  • If appropriate, suggest scheduling a consultation or site visit. This can provide an opportunity to discuss their project in detail, address specific concerns, and provide a more accurate estimate.

7.  Follow-Up Calls and Emails:

  • Regularly follow up with leads through phone calls and emails. Persistence is key, but be mindful not to be too pushy. Share relevant information and updates about your services.

8.  Offer Special Promotions:

  • Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time promotions or discounts. This can incentivize potential customers to move forward with your services.

9.  Social Media Engagement:

  • Continue engaging with leads on social media. Respond to comments, answer questions, and share relevant content. This ongoing engagement helps build trust and reinforces your commitment to customer satisfaction.

10.  Client Testimonials and Case Studies:

  • Share success stories, testimonials, and case studies from satisfied customers. This can help build credibility and trust in your brand.

11.  Educational Content:

  • Share educational content about decorative concrete through your social media channels. This not only showcases your expertise but also helps potential customers make informed decisions.

12.  Referral Program:

  • Implement a referral program to encourage satisfied customers to refer others. Offer incentives such as discounts on future services for successful referrals.

13.  Feedback Collection:

  • Collect feedback from leads, whether or not they convert. Use this information to continually improve your follow-up process and the overall customer experience.

14.  Evaluate and Adjust:

  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your follow-up strategy. Analyze metrics such as conversion rates, response times, and customer feedback. Adjust your approach based on the insights gained.

Remember to adapt this plan based on the specific dynamics of your decorative concrete business and the preferences of your target audience.

Side Hustle

Are you looking to dip your toes into the world of entrepreneurship without giving up your full-time job? Starting a side business can be an excellent way to pursue your passions and generate extra income without taking on the risk of quitting your day job. One lucrative option to consider is starting a decorative concrete business. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the top three advantages of launching a decorative concrete business as a side venture.

1. Low Initial Investment

One of the most appealing aspects of starting a decorative concrete business on the side is the relatively low initial investment required. Unlike many other businesses that demand significant upfront capital for equipment, inventory, and storefronts, a decorative concrete business can often be started with minimal investment.

Essentially, all you need to get started are some basic tools. These items can typically be purchased from CTi or rented initially, significantly reducing your initial outlay. Additionally, you may even be able to operate the business from your home garage or backyard, eliminating the need for expensive commercial space.

By keeping your overhead costs low, you can focus on building your client base and generating revenue without the pressure of hefty financial commitments, making it an ideal option for a side business.

2. Flexible Schedule

Another significant advantage of starting a decorative concrete business on the side is the flexibility it offers in terms of scheduling. Since you’ll likely be running the business alongside your full-time job, you can choose to take on projects during evenings, weekends, or whenever it’s most convenient for you.

This flexibility allows you to balance your entrepreneurial pursuits with your existing work and personal commitments, making it easier to manage your time effectively. Whether you’re a night owl who prefers to work after hours or someone who thrives on weekend productivity, a decorative concrete business can be tailored to fit your schedule.

Furthermore, as your side business grows and becomes more profitable, you may have the option to gradually transition into it full-time if you desire, thanks to the solid foundation you’ve built while maintaining your day job.

3. Creative Outlet

For many aspiring entrepreneurs, starting a side business isn’t just about making extra money—it’s also about pursuing a passion and expressing creativity. A decorative concrete business offers ample opportunities for artistic expression and creativity, allowing you to transform ordinary concrete surfaces into stunning works of art.

From intricate designs and patterns to custom colors and textures, the possibilities are endless when it comes to decorative concrete. Whether you’re adding decorative elements to residential driveways, patios, or commercial spaces, each project presents a unique opportunity to showcase your creativity and craftsmanship.

For individuals with a flair for design and a passion for working with their hands, a decorative concrete business can provide a fulfilling creative outlet that complements their existing skills and interests.

In conclusion, starting a decorative concrete business as a side venture offers numerous advantages, including low initial investment, flexible scheduling, and a creative outlet for artistic expression. By leveraging these benefits, aspiring entrepreneurs can embark on their entrepreneurial journey with confidence and enthusiasm, all while maintaining the security of their full-time job. So why wait? Take the first step towards building your own successful side business today!

Using AI In Your Business

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Your Home Services Business

In today’s digitally driven world, small home services businesses face the challenge of standing out in a crowded marketplace. Traditional advertising methods may not always yield the desired results, leaving business owners searching for innovative approaches to reach and engage their target audience. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) steps in as a game-changer, offering a myriad of solutions to enhance advertising strategies and drive business growth. In this blog post, we’ll explore how AI can empower small home services businesses to effectively advertise to their customers like never before.

1. Targeted Advertising

AI-powered tools enable businesses to leverage data-driven insights to understand their customers better. By analyzing demographic information, online behavior, and past interactions, AI algorithms can identify and segment potential customers with precision. This allows businesses to tailor their advertising efforts to specific audience segments, ensuring that their messages resonate with the right people at the right time. Whether it’s through personalized ads on social media platforms, targeted email campaigns, or dynamic website content, AI helps small home services businesses maximize the impact of their advertising efforts.

2. Predictive Analytics

One of the most significant advantages of AI in advertising is its ability to forecast future trends and consumer behavior. By analyzing historical data and patterns, AI algorithms can predict when and where customers are most likely to engage with ads, allowing businesses to optimize their advertising budgets for maximum ROI. For small home services businesses operating on tight budgets, this predictive capability is invaluable, enabling them to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on channels and strategies that deliver the best results.

3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

In the home services industry, timely communication with customers is crucial for building trust and satisfaction. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants offer a scalable solution for handling customer inquiries, scheduling appointments, and providing support around the clock. By integrating chatbots into their websites and social media platforms, small businesses can streamline the customer experience, improve response times, and capture leads more effectively. Moreover, AI-powered chatbots can learn from interactions over time, becoming increasingly adept at understanding and addressing customer needs.

4. Image and Voice Recognition

Visual and voice search technologies powered by AI have transformed the way consumers discover products and services online. For small home services businesses, optimizing content for image and voice search can significantly increase visibility and attract new customers. By incorporating AI-driven image recognition algorithms into their advertising strategies, businesses can ensure that their visual content is discoverable across search engines and social media platforms. Likewise, voice-enabled AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant present new opportunities for businesses to engage with customers through natural language interactions.

5. Dynamic Pricing and Offers

AI algorithms can analyze market trends, competitor pricing, and customer preferences in real-time, enabling businesses to dynamically adjust their pricing and offers for maximum competitiveness and profitability. For small home services businesses, this means being able to respond quickly to changes in demand, seasonal fluctuations, and competitive pressures. By leveraging AI-driven pricing optimization tools, businesses can set prices that are both competitive and profitable, helping them win more customers while maximizing revenue.

In conclusion, AI holds tremendous promise for small home services businesses looking to elevate their advertising efforts and stay ahead of the competition. By harnessing the power of AI-driven technologies such as targeted advertising, predictive analytics, chatbots, image and voice recognition, and dynamic pricing, businesses can reach their customers more effectively, deliver personalized experiences, and drive sustainable growth. As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, small businesses that embrace these technologies will be well-positioned to thrive in the digital age.


Miami Concrete Design transformed the plain gray concrete of this beautiful home’s driveway to something that better suits the home’s look and beauty.

A Private Mentor

Ron Nezat, owner of Decorative Concrete Engine, has been a successful CTi Dealer since 2013. Ron has set the bar in areas such as customer service, quality workmanship and professionalism.

Ron has his own YouTube channel where he provides tips on how to operate a successful decorative concrete business. In addition, he also provides an online course accompanied by phone coaching for CTi Dealers who are just starting their businesses or Dealers who are looking to take their business to the next level via the “Quick Start Program”.

Check out Ron’s YouTube channel by going to

Outdoor Spaces

As Spring comes around and everyone gets into enjoying the great outdoors, take the time to look down at the concrete you have outside. A new patio, pool deck, or lanai can truly add to your enjoyment of the living area.

It’s Easy to Be Green!

Using decorative concrete coatings instead of ripping out and replacing a homeowner’s concrete can be a more environmentally sound choice for several reasons:

  1. Reduces Waste: Removing and replacing concrete generates a significant amount of waste. Concrete is a durable material that can last for decades, but when it’s torn out, it often ends up in landfills. By opting for decorative coatings, you’re extending the life of the existing concrete surface without adding to landfill waste.
  2. Conserves Resources: Producing new concrete requires significant amounts of raw materials, such as aggregates, water, and cement. By avoiding the need for new concrete, you’re conserving these valuable resources. Additionally, the manufacturing process for concrete can be energy-intensive, so by choosing coatings instead, you’re also reducing energy consumption.
  3. Lower Carbon Footprint: Concrete production is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions, primarily due to the energy-intensive process of cement production. By avoiding the need to manufacture and transport new concrete, you’re reducing the carbon footprint associated with your project.
  4. Preserves Natural Landscapes: The extraction of raw materials for concrete production can have detrimental effects on natural landscapes, including habitat destruction and ecosystem disruption. By minimizing the demand for new concrete, you’re helping to preserve these valuable natural areas.
  5. Enhances Energy Efficiency: Some decorative concrete coatings, such as those designed to reflect sunlight, can help improve the energy efficiency of a home. By reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the concrete surface, these coatings can lower cooling costs during hot weather, thereby decreasing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  6. Encourages Sustainable Practices: By choosing to renovate rather than replace, homeowners are promoting a culture of sustainability and responsible resource management. This mindset shift can have broader impacts by encouraging others to consider environmentally friendly alternatives in their own renovation projects.

In conclusion, opting for decorative concrete coatings instead of ripping out and replacing existing concrete surfaces offers a range of environmental benefits, including waste reduction, resource conservation, lower carbon emissions, preservation of natural landscapes, improved energy efficiency, and the promotion of sustainable practices. By making this choice, homeowners can contribute to a more environmentally friendly approach to home improvement projects.

Finding good employees for your decorative concrete installation company can be crucial for the success and reputation of your business. Here’s a comprehensive plan to help you attract and hire top talent:

  1. Define Job Roles and Requirements: Clearly outline the positions you need to fill, such as concrete finishers, laborers, project managers, etc. Define the skills, experience, and qualifications necessary for each role.
  2. Craft Compelling Job Descriptions: Write detailed job descriptions that highlight the responsibilities, qualifications, and benefits of working for your company. Use language that emphasizes the exciting aspects of the job and your company culture.
  3. Utilize Online Job Platforms: Post your job openings on popular job search websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and specialized construction industry platforms. Ensure your listings are optimized with relevant keywords and location tags to attract relevant candidates.
  4. Tap into Social Media: Leverage your company’s social media channels to promote job openings. Share engaging posts showcasing your projects, team culture, and employee testimonials. Encourage your employees to share these posts within their networks.
  5. Network Within the Industry: Attend industry events, trade shows, and conferences related to construction and decorative concrete. Network with professionals in the field and spread the word about your job openings. Additionally, join online forums and groups where industry professionals congregate.
  6. Offer Employee Referral Incentives: Encourage your current employees to refer qualified candidates by offering referral bonuses or other incentives. Employees are likely to recommend individuals who they believe will be a good fit for the company culture.
  7. Partner with Trade Schools and Apprenticeship Programs: Collaborate with local trade schools, vocational training centers, and apprenticeship programs to identify and recruit candidates who are interested in careers in construction. Offer internships or apprenticeship opportunities to students or graduates.
  8. Implement a Robust Screening Process: Develop a thorough screening process to evaluate candidates’ skills, experience, and cultural fit. This may include phone interviews, skills assessments, and in-person interviews with multiple team members.
  9. Conduct Background Checks and Verify References: Prior to making a hiring decision, conduct background checks and verify the employment history and references of promising candidates. This helps ensure the integrity and reliability of potential hires.
  10. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Research industry standards for compensation and benefits to ensure you’re offering competitive packages. Highlight any additional perks or opportunities for career growth within your company.
  11. Provide Training and Development Opportunities: Demonstrate your commitment to employee growth and development by offering ongoing training programs and opportunities for advancement within the company. Invest in developing the skills of your team members to foster loyalty and retention.
  12. Maintain a Positive Employer Brand: Uphold a positive reputation as an employer by prioritizing employee satisfaction, safety, and well-being. Encourage open communication, recognize and reward employees for their contributions, and foster a supportive work environment.

By following this plan, you can attract, hire, and retain talented individuals who will contribute to the success and growth of your decorative concrete installation company.

As the days grow longer and the chill of winter gives way to the warmth of spring, entrepreneurs everywhere are seizing the opportunity to breathe life into their business dreams. If you’ve been considering diving into the world of decorative concrete installation, there’s no time like the present to make it happen. Here’s why this season is primed for success in launching your decorative concrete company.

  1. Spring Revival: With the arrival of spring, homeowners are eager to refresh and rejuvenate their outdoor spaces after months of hibernation. Decorative concrete offers a versatile solution for enhancing patios, driveways, walkways, and pool decks, providing a perfect canvas for outdoor entertaining and relaxation.
  2. Increased Demand: The demand for decorative concrete continues to rise as homeowners seek durable, low-maintenance alternatives to traditional paving materials. From stamped concrete patterns to stained finishes, the possibilities are endless, allowing you to tap into a growing market hungry for innovative design solutions.
  3. Outdoor Living Trends: As more people embrace the concept of outdoor living, the demand for stylish and functional outdoor spaces is on the rise. Decorative concrete installations offer the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality, allowing homeowners to create inviting outdoor environments that extend their living space beyond the confines of their homes.
  4. Advancements in Technology: The decorative concrete industry has seen significant advancements in technology and techniques, making it easier than ever to achieve stunning results. From advanced coloring systems to innovative stamping tools, today’s decorative concrete installers have access to a wide range of tools and materials that can help bring their creative visions to life.
  5. Environmental Considerations: With growing concerns about environmental sustainability, many homeowners are turning to decorative concrete as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paving materials. Concrete is inherently durable and long-lasting, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing environmental impact over time.
  6. Seasonal Opportunities: While decorative concrete installations can be performed year-round in many climates, spring and summer offer ideal conditions for outdoor work. The mild temperatures and longer daylight hours provide optimal working conditions, allowing you to complete projects efficiently and effectively.
  7. Marketing Potential: The spring season presents ample opportunities for marketing your decorative concrete business. From showcasing your work at home and garden shows to leveraging social media and online marketing channels, there’s no shortage of ways to promote your services and attract new customers during this time of year.

In conclusion, the transition from winter to spring marks the perfect time to embark on your journey into the world of decorative concrete installation. With increased demand, advancements in technology, and a growing focus on outdoor living trends, the opportunities in this thriving industry are endless. So seize the moment, unleash your creativity, and make this spring the season you turn your decorative concrete dreams into reality.