There’s an old adage that says “The best person to teach you how to climb a mountain is someone who has already climbed the mountain.” Concrete Technology has just such a mountain climber who provides our new Dealers with a Quick Start Program to help get their businesses up and running and profitable much more quickly.
Ron Nezat was Concrete Technology Inc’s Dealer of the year in 2018. Ron has always had one of the most successful Dealerships in the CTi network of Dealers and is a wonderful teacher and consultant. Ron’s online program, accompanied by private phone consulting, is all part of the Quick Start Program run through Ron’s Decorative Concrete Engine. This program can help you, especially if you’re a first time business owner.
To get a taste of some of the information Ron shares in this program, visit his Decorative Concrete Engine YouTube page that has a number of video tips for running a successful Concrete Technology Dealership. Click on this link to go to his page: