
CTi Dealers can transform existing concrete into a new wood floor. The finish is more durable and the colors can be more flexible then going through countless samples of wood flooring looking for that perfect color combination. Look at how our application is done in the video below:

SS Concrete Solutions

Scott Schultz, owner of SS Concrete Solutions in Lehigh, KS is celebrating his 10th anniversary as a CTi Dealer. Hear what Scott has to say about running his CTi Dealership.

Hear it First Hand

Ron Nezat, owner of CTi of Acadiana, has been a successful CTi Dealer for over 12 years. Listen to his experience and tips for starting and maintaining success in the decorative concrete industry.

Ron now consults with Dealers and helps them reach greater heights via CTi’s Quick Start Program.

When your concrete starts to look bad, the choice between having it replaced by tearing out the old slab and pouring concrete vs. having the existing concrete resurfaced becomes rather clear:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Resurfacing is often more cost-effective than completely replacing concrete. It eliminates the need for demolition and removal of the existing concrete, reducing labor and disposal costs.
  1. Time Savings: Resurfacing typically requires less time than tearing out and replacing concrete. This can be particularly advantageous when you need a quick turnaround for a functional and aesthetically pleasing surface.
  1. Minimized Disruption: Resurfacing minimizes disruption to the surrounding area. There is less noise, dust, and inconvenience compared to the extensive process of removing and replacing concrete, making it a more practical option, especially for residential or busy commercial areas.
  1. Versatility in Design: Many concrete resurfacing products offer a range of design options. Whether you want a decorative finish, color variations, or patterns, resurfacing allows for customization that might not be as easily achievable with new concrete.
  1. Improved Durability and Performance: Some resurfacing products are designed to enhance the durability and performance of the existing concrete. They can provide better resistance to wear, stains, and environmental factors, extending the life of the concrete surface.

Before deciding to resurface, it’s essential to evaluate the specific conditions of your existing concrete and consult with professionals who can provide guidance based on the unique requirements of your project.

When it comes to new concrete installations, whether in residential, commercial, or industrial settings, the application of protective and decorative coatings is an indispensable step. While raw concrete may seem robust and low-maintenance at first glance, without the right coatings, it is vulnerable to a range of issues that can compromise its durability and aesthetics. Here, we explore the top three reasons why applying protective and decorative coatings to new concrete is a wise and necessary investment.

1. Enhanced Durability and Longevity

Concrete, despite its strength, is inherently porous and susceptible to damage from various environmental factors. Protective coatings serve as a shield against these elements, significantly enhancing the durability and lifespan of the concrete. Key benefits include:

  • Resistance to Moisture and Chemicals: Water, chemicals, and other contaminants can seep into uncoated concrete, leading to cracks, spalling, and other forms of degradation. Protective coatings form a barrier that prevents these substances from penetrating the surface.
  • Protection Against Physical Wear: High-traffic areas, such as driveways, walkways, and industrial floors, endure significant wear and tear. Coatings provide a tough, abrasion-resistant surface that can withstand heavy use and reduce the impact of mechanical stress.
  • UV Resistance: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause concrete to deteriorate and discolor over time. Coatings with UV-resistant properties help maintain the integrity and appearance of the concrete by preventing sun damage.

2. Improved Aesthetics

New concrete, while functional, often lacks the visual appeal that can enhance the overall look of a space. Decorative coatings offer an array of design possibilities, transforming plain concrete into a stylish and attractive feature. Some aesthetic advantages include:

  • Color and Texture Options: Decorative coatings come in a variety of colors, finishes, and textures, allowing for customization to match the desired aesthetic. This can range from smooth, polished finishes to textured, slip-resistant surfaces.
  • Simulating Other Materials: With advanced coating techniques, concrete can mimic the appearance of more expensive materials such as stone, brick, or tile. This provides a cost-effective way to achieve a high-end look without sacrificing durability.
  • Artistic Designs: Stains, dyes, and stamped patterns can be applied to create unique, artistic designs on concrete surfaces. Whether it’s a decorative floor in a home or a branded walkway in a commercial space, coatings can enhance the visual appeal and make a lasting impression.

3. Ease of Maintenance and Cleaning

One of the most practical reasons for applying coatings to new concrete is the ease of maintenance they provide. Coated concrete surfaces are significantly easier to clean and maintain compared to their uncoated counterparts. Here’s how:

  • Stain Resistance: Protective coatings repel stains from oils, chemicals, and other substances, preventing them from penetrating the concrete. This makes it easier to clean spills and keep the surface looking pristine.
  • Reduced Dusting: Uncoated concrete tends to produce dust as it wears down. Coatings seal the surface, minimizing dust production and making the environment cleaner and healthier, particularly in indoor settings.
  • Simple Cleaning Regimen: Coated surfaces can typically be cleaned with simple, non-abrasive methods. This reduces the need for harsh cleaning chemicals and extensive maintenance efforts, saving time and money in the long run.


Investing in protective and decorative concrete coatings for new concrete is not just about improving aesthetics; it’s a strategic decision that enhances durability, simplifies maintenance, and ultimately extends the life of the concrete. By protecting against environmental damage, offering versatile design options, and making upkeep easier, these coatings ensure that new concrete installations remain both functional and visually appealing for years to come. Whether for residential driveways, commercial floors, or industrial surfaces, the benefits of concrete coatings make them an essential component of any concrete project.

It’s always great to hear from someone who has “been there and done that”. Ron Nezat has been a CTi Dealer for over a decade, listen to the experience he’s had as a CTi Dealer.

CTi’s Advertising Package is the perfect way to generate interest for your business.  We will run a cohesive advertising campaign over various social media. The CTi Advertising Package targets homeowners interested in improving the looks of their home and specifically interested in decorative concrete, these homeowners will fall in the top 25% to 50% of the incomes for your area.

The ads we run will highlight before and after photos of what the CTi product lines will do for your customer’s concrete and will let them know you’re providing decorative and protective coatings for their existing concrete.

As people provide their name, phone number and email address, we will immediately forward this information to you for follow up.  The Advertising Package runs for 60 days, when finished, we are happy to share the details of our campaign should you want to duplicate it for yourself or you can continue the advertising for another 60 days by purchasing an additional package.

Make sure the CTi Advertising Package is part of your Initial Dealership Order by talking with your Dealer Advisor today.  Contact us at 800 447 6573

Imagine That

One of the unique sales tools offered to CTi Dealers is the design imaging tool “The Navigator”. CTi Dealers can take a photo of the customer’s project and then show them on their computer what the finished job will look like.