Why Use CTi Inside Your Home?

Decorative concrete resurfacing offers several advantages over traditional flooring options like tile or wood. Here’s a list of some key benefits:

  1. Durability:
    • Concrete is highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it a long-lasting flooring option.
  2. Low Maintenance:
    • Decorative concrete requires minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning is usually sufficient to keep it in good condition.
  3. Cost-Effective:
    • In many cases, decorative concrete resurfacing is more cost-effective than installing high-quality tiles or hardwood flooring.
  4. Versatility in Design:
    • Concrete can be customized in various ways, allowing for a wide range of design options. You can choose different colors, patterns, and textures to match your aesthetic preferences.
  5. Seamless Surface:
    • Unlike tile or wood, decorative concrete can be applied seamlessly, reducing the number of joints and seams. This not only enhances the visual appeal but also makes cleaning easier.
  6. Stain Resistance:
    • Properly sealed decorative concrete is resistant to stains and spills, making it suitable for areas prone to spills or high traffic.
  7. Temperature Stability:
    • Concrete tends to maintain a stable temperature, making it comfortable to walk on in various weather conditions. It doesn’t get as cold as tile or as warm as some types of wood.
  8. Environmentally Friendly:
    • Concrete is often considered an eco-friendly option, especially if it can be applied over an existing concrete substrate, reducing the need for additional materials.
  9. Increased Home Value:
    • Well-executed decorative concrete resurfacing can add to the overall aesthetics of your home, potentially increasing its market value.
  10. Resistance to Moisture:
    • Concrete is naturally resistant to moisture, reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth. This makes it suitable for areas like basements or bathrooms.
  11. Adaptability to Radiant Heating:
    • Decorative concrete can be used in conjunction with radiant heating systems, providing warmth in colder months.
  12. Customizable Texture:
    • You can choose the level of texture in decorative concrete, providing options for a smoother finish or a more textured surface based on your preferences.
  13. Quick Installation:
    • In many cases, decorative concrete resurfacing can be completed faster than installing tile or wood flooring, minimizing disruption to your daily life.
  14. Longevity:
    • Properly maintained decorative concrete can last for decades, offering a long-term flooring solution.

While decorative concrete resurfacing has numerous advantages, it’s important to consult with your CTi Dealer to ensure proper installation and maintenance for optimal results.

Not Bothered By The Cold

One of the many benefits of using the CTi coatings on your outdoor concrete is its ability to continue looking great even through the harshest winters. Salts, de-icing agents and the elements have no effect on CTi’s tough as nails coating for your concrete and provides a look that improves the value of your home as well as heightens your enjoyment of the area.

Cost Effective Alternatives

Not all customers are created equal, some are looking for a creative application on their concrete that is as unique as they are while others are looking for cost effective alternatives.

Maybe the customer is wanting to clean up the concrete to get the home ready for sale. Others may be looking to stay within a strict budget. No matter the reason, CTi has some great cost effective alternatives when it comes to providing the budget conscious customer with a solution for their ugly concrete.

Clean and Seal their concrete: Concrete will always hold dirt, grow mold and mildew and will sport the occasional stain. A great way to improve the look of this area would be to clean the concrete but then seal the area to make it easier to clean in the future. This not only provides an immediate solution, but also a solution for future maintenance.

Color Tone Classic: This is a cost effective, decorative alternative for the customer’s concrete. Using virgin acetone dyed different colors to offer a mottled look that is warm and inviting, Color Tone Classic is a cost effective way to offer a decorative look. This, used with our Series 170 sealer outdoors or the Aqua Shield 365 indoors, offers the customer a beautiful finish that is easier to maintain and will last for years.

Re-stain and seal stamped concrete: One of the drawbacks of stamped concrete is that many times the project is finished without sealing the area. Without sealer, the colors of the stamped job start to fade and the area becomes more difficult to maintain. CTi Dealers can bring the color back to life and then provide a sealer that will keep the area looking great for years to come.

Spraymark application: Using CTi Hallmark products, Dealers can provide concrete that have minor flaws with a fresh new textured look that is modern looking. The sealed area is also easy to maintain and will stay looking great for years.

Designer Series and Pigmented Sealers: Designer Series can cover minor imperfections and provide an inexpensive solution for the customer with a one color textured finish. Pigmented sealers can seal the area and provide a colored topcoat for the customers concrete while fitting most any budget.

Resurface Or Replace?

When your concrete starts to look bad, the choice between having it replaced by tearing out the old slab and pouring concrete vs. having the existing concrete resurfaced becomes rather clear:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Resurfacing is often more cost-effective than completely replacing concrete. It eliminates the need for demolition and removal of the existing concrete, reducing labor and disposal costs.
  1. Time Savings: Resurfacing typically requires less time than tearing out and replacing concrete. This can be particularly advantageous when you need a quick turnaround for a functional and aesthetically pleasing surface.
  1. Minimized Disruption: Resurfacing minimizes disruption to the surrounding area. There is less noise, dust, and inconvenience compared to the extensive process of removing and replacing concrete, making it a more practical option, especially for residential or busy commercial areas.
  1. Versatility in Design: Many concrete resurfacing products offer a range of design options. Whether you want a decorative finish, color variations, or patterns, resurfacing allows for customization that might not be as easily achievable with new concrete.
  1. Improved Durability and Performance: Some resurfacing products are designed to enhance the durability and performance of the existing concrete. They can provide better resistance to wear, stains, and environmental factors, extending the life of the concrete surface.

Before deciding to resurface, it’s essential to evaluate the specific conditions of your existing concrete and consult with professionals who can provide guidance based on the unique requirements of your project.

Private Consulting

There’s an old adage that says “The best person to teach you how to climb a mountain is someone who has already climbed the mountain.” Concrete Technology has just such a mountain climber who provides our new Dealers with a Quick Start Program to help get their businesses up and running and profitable much more quickly.

Ron Nezat was Concrete Technology Inc’s Dealer of the year in 2018. Ron has always had one of the most successful Dealerships in the CTi network of Dealers and is a wonderful teacher and consultant. Ron’s online program, accompanied by private phone consulting, is all part of the Quick Start Program run through Ron’s Decorative Concrete Engine. This program can help you, especially if you’re a first time business owner.

To get a taste of some of the information Ron shares in this program, visit his Decorative Concrete Engine YouTube page that has a number of video tips for running a successful Concrete Technology Dealership. Click on this link to go to his page: https://www.youtube.com/@decorativeconcreteengine

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the folks at Concrete Technology Inc. We hope you have a holiday filled with happiness, family and friends!

Tips for Successful Applications

Installing decorative coatings over existing concrete can enhance its appearance and durability. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful installation:

  1. Surface Preparation:
    • Clean the existing concrete thoroughly by sweeping, pressure washing, and removing any dirt, grease, or oil.
    • Repair any cracks or damage in the concrete using an appropriate patching compound.
  2. Etching or Grinding:
    • To ensure good adhesion, etch the surface of the concrete with an acid-based solution or mechanically grind it to open up the pores.
    • This step is essential for coatings like epoxy to bond effectively with the concrete.
  3. Moisture Testing:
    • Perform a moisture test on the concrete surface to ensure that it is dry enough for the chosen coating. Excessive moisture can lead to adhesion issues.
  4. Choose the Right Coating:
    • Select a decorative coating that suits your needs and the specific conditions of the concrete surface. Common options include epoxy, polyaspartics, acrylic, or decorative overlays.
  5. Proper Mixing:
    • Follow Concrete Technology’s tech advisors’ instructions for mixing the coating materials. Consistent and accurate mixing is crucial for the performance of the coating.
  6. Application Tools:
    • Use the appropriate tools for applying the coating, such as brushes, rollers, or sprayers. The choice depends on the type of coating and the desired finish.
  7. Ventilation:
    • Ensure proper ventilation during the application process, especially when working with coatings that emit fumes. This is important for both your health and the curing process of the coating.
  8. Multiple Layers:
    • If the coating requires multiple layers, allow each layer to dry or cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions before applying the next one.
  9. Sealing:
    • Consider applying a clear sealer over the decorative coating to enhance its durability and resistance to stains, abrasion, and UV damage.
  10. Curing Time:
    • Allow sufficient time for the coating to cure before subjecting it to foot traffic or heavy use. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for curing times.
  11. Regular Maintenance:
    • Perform regular maintenance to keep the decorative coating in good condition. This may include cleaning, resealing, or touching up damaged areas as needed.

Always refer to the specific instructions provided by Concrete Technology Inc., as different products may have unique requirements.

Inside Your Home

As the weather turns cooler and you begin to spend more time indoors, it may be time to update the look of the flooring in areas such as basements, kitchens and other areas around the inside of your home.

Our Dealers can provide a look that defines the area for you. Whether it’s warm and cozy, modern and clean or something that is uniquely yours, our Dealers can provide the solution that will fit your needs.