Resurface Or Replace?

When your concrete starts to look bad, the choice between having it replaced by tearing out the old slab and pouring concrete vs. having the existing concrete resurfaced becomes rather clear:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Resurfacing is often more cost-effective than completely replacing concrete. It eliminates the need for demolition and removal of the existing concrete, reducing labor and disposal costs.
  1. Time Savings: Resurfacing typically requires less time than tearing out and replacing concrete. This can be particularly advantageous when you need a quick turnaround for a functional and aesthetically pleasing surface.
  1. Minimized Disruption: Resurfacing minimizes disruption to the surrounding area. There is less noise, dust, and inconvenience compared to the extensive process of removing and replacing concrete, making it a more practical option, especially for residential or busy commercial areas.
  1. Versatility in Design: Many concrete resurfacing products offer a range of design options. Whether you want a decorative finish, color variations, or patterns, resurfacing allows for customization that might not be as easily achievable with new concrete.
  1. Improved Durability and Performance: Some resurfacing products are designed to enhance the durability and performance of the existing concrete. They can provide better resistance to wear, stains, and environmental factors, extending the life of the concrete surface.

Before deciding to resurface, it’s essential to evaluate the specific conditions of your existing concrete and consult with professionals who can provide guidance based on the unique requirements of your project.

Private Consulting

There’s an old adage that says “The best person to teach you how to climb a mountain is someone who has already climbed the mountain.” Concrete Technology has just such a mountain climber who provides our new Dealers with a Quick Start Program to help get their businesses up and running and profitable much more quickly.

Ron Nezat was Concrete Technology Inc’s Dealer of the year in 2018. Ron has always had one of the most successful Dealerships in the CTi network of Dealers and is a wonderful teacher and consultant. Ron’s online program, accompanied by private phone consulting, is all part of the Quick Start Program run through Ron’s Decorative Concrete Engine. This program can help you, especially if you’re a first time business owner.

To get a taste of some of the information Ron shares in this program, visit his Decorative Concrete Engine YouTube page that has a number of video tips for running a successful Concrete Technology Dealership. Click on this link to go to his page:

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the folks at Concrete Technology Inc. We hope you have a holiday filled with happiness, family and friends!

Tips for Successful Applications

Installing decorative coatings over existing concrete can enhance its appearance and durability. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful installation:

  1. Surface Preparation:
    • Clean the existing concrete thoroughly by sweeping, pressure washing, and removing any dirt, grease, or oil.
    • Repair any cracks or damage in the concrete using an appropriate patching compound.
  2. Etching or Grinding:
    • To ensure good adhesion, etch the surface of the concrete with an acid-based solution or mechanically grind it to open up the pores.
    • This step is essential for coatings like epoxy to bond effectively with the concrete.
  3. Moisture Testing:
    • Perform a moisture test on the concrete surface to ensure that it is dry enough for the chosen coating. Excessive moisture can lead to adhesion issues.
  4. Choose the Right Coating:
    • Select a decorative coating that suits your needs and the specific conditions of the concrete surface. Common options include epoxy, polyaspartics, acrylic, or decorative overlays.
  5. Proper Mixing:
    • Follow Concrete Technology’s tech advisors’ instructions for mixing the coating materials. Consistent and accurate mixing is crucial for the performance of the coating.
  6. Application Tools:
    • Use the appropriate tools for applying the coating, such as brushes, rollers, or sprayers. The choice depends on the type of coating and the desired finish.
  7. Ventilation:
    • Ensure proper ventilation during the application process, especially when working with coatings that emit fumes. This is important for both your health and the curing process of the coating.
  8. Multiple Layers:
    • If the coating requires multiple layers, allow each layer to dry or cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions before applying the next one.
  9. Sealing:
    • Consider applying a clear sealer over the decorative coating to enhance its durability and resistance to stains, abrasion, and UV damage.
  10. Curing Time:
    • Allow sufficient time for the coating to cure before subjecting it to foot traffic or heavy use. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for curing times.
  11. Regular Maintenance:
    • Perform regular maintenance to keep the decorative coating in good condition. This may include cleaning, resealing, or touching up damaged areas as needed.

Always refer to the specific instructions provided by Concrete Technology Inc., as different products may have unique requirements.

Inside Your Home

As the weather turns cooler and you begin to spend more time indoors, it may be time to update the look of the flooring in areas such as basements, kitchens and other areas around the inside of your home.

Our Dealers can provide a look that defines the area for you. Whether it’s warm and cozy, modern and clean or something that is uniquely yours, our Dealers can provide the solution that will fit your needs.

Setting More Appointments

  • Prompt Response:
  • Respond to inquiries promptly. Time is of the essence, and a quick response shows professionalism and eagerness to assist.
  • Polite and Engaging Communication:
    • Be polite and engaging in all communications. Use a friendly and approachable tone to make potential clients feel comfortable.
  • Active Listening:
    • Listen attentively to the customer’s needs and concerns. Understanding their requirements allows your sales team to tailor their approach and solutions accordingly.
  • Educate and Inform:
    • Provide information about your products/services without overwhelming the customer. Focus on the benefits and how your solutions can meet their specific needs.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Clearly articulate the value proposition of your services. Highlight what makes your business unique and why the customer should choose you over competitors.
  • Appointment Scheduling Software:
    • Invest in a reliable appointment scheduling system. This makes it easy for customers to book appointments at their convenience and reduces the chance of scheduling conflicts.
  • Flexible Timing:
    • Offer flexible appointment times, including evenings or weekends. This accommodates customers with busy schedules and increases the likelihood of securing appointments.
  • Confirmation Calls/Emails:
    • Send a confirmation message before the scheduled appointment to remind customers and ensure they are prepared. Include essential details such as the date, time, and the name of the sales representative they will be meeting.
  • Follow-Up:
    • If a potential customer expresses hesitation or needs more time to decide, follow up with them in a respectful manner. This shows persistence and a genuine interest in their needs.
  • Use Positive Reviews and Testimonials:
    • Share positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This builds trust and confidence in your services, making it more likely for potential customers to agree to an appointment.
  • Professional Presentation:
    • Train your sales team to present themselves professionally. Dress appropriately, be punctual, and carry any necessary materials or samples to showcase during the appointment.
  • Clear Call-to-Action:
    • End every interaction with a clear call-to-action. Whether it’s scheduling an appointment, providing additional information, or confirming the next steps, make sure the customer knows what to expect.

Remember, building relationships is key in the home improvement business. A positive and professional approach during appointment setting can go a long way in securing new business and fostering customer loyalty.

**1. ** Organize and Track Leads:

  • Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to organize and track leads efficiently. This will help you stay organized and streamline the follow-up process.

**2. ** Respond Quickly:

  • Social media leads may have a short attention span, so aim to respond as quickly as possible. A prompt response shows professionalism and eagerness.

**3. ** Personalized Initial Contact:

  • Begin the follow-up process with a personalized message acknowledging their interest. Reference specific details from their inquiry or interaction to show that you’ve paid attention.

**4. ** Provide Additional Information:

  • Share additional information about your decorative concrete services. This could include brochures, project portfolios, customer testimonials, or links to relevant blog posts or videos showcasing your work.

**5. ** Ask Qualifying Questions:

  • Engage potential customers by asking questions about their specific needs and preferences. This not only helps you understand their requirements but also demonstrates your commitment to delivering a personalized solution.

**6. ** Schedule a Consultation:

  • If appropriate, suggest scheduling a consultation or site visit. This can provide an opportunity to discuss their project in detail, address specific concerns, and provide a more accurate estimate.

**7. ** Follow-Up Calls and Emails:

  • Regularly follow up with leads through phone calls and emails. Persistence is key, but be mindful not to be too pushy. Share relevant information and updates about your services.

**8. ** Offer Special Promotions:

  • Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time promotions or discounts. This can incentivize potential customers to move forward with your services.

**9. ** Social Media Engagement:

  • Continue engaging with leads on social media. Respond to comments, answer questions, and share relevant content. This ongoing engagement helps build trust and reinforces your commitment to customer satisfaction.

**10. ** Client Testimonials and Case Studies:

  • Share success stories, testimonials, and case studies from satisfied customers. This can help build credibility and trust in your brand.

**11. ** Educational Content:

  • Share educational content about decorative concrete through your social media channels. This not only showcases your expertise but also helps potential customers make informed decisions.

**12. ** Referral Program:

  • Implement a referral program to encourage satisfied customers to refer others. Offer incentives such as discounts on future services for successful referrals.

**13. ** Feedback Collection:

  • Collect feedback from leads, whether or not they convert. Use this information to continually improve your follow-up process and the overall customer experience.

**14. ** Evaluate and Adjust:

  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your follow-up strategy. Analyze metrics such as conversion rates, response times, and customer feedback. Adjust your approach based on the insights gained.

Remember to adapt this plan based on the specific dynamics of your decorative concrete business and the preferences of your target audience.

Finding good employees for your decorative concrete business involves a strategic approach to recruitment. Here are some effective ways to find skilled and reliable workers:

  1. Job Posting Platforms:
    • Utilize popular job posting websites like Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor. These platforms attract a wide range of job seekers.
  2. Local Job Boards:
    • Post your job openings on local community job boards or websites specific to your industry. This can help you attract candidates who are already familiar with the decorative concrete field.
  3. Industry-Specific Websites:
    • Explore websites that cater specifically to the construction and concrete industry. Examples include or industry-specific forums.
  4. Social Media:
    • Leverage social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Join relevant groups or forums where professionals in the construction and concrete industry gather. You can also post job openings on your company’s social media pages.
  5. Networking Events:
    • Attend local networking events, industry conferences, or trade shows. These events provide opportunities to meet potential candidates and establish connections within the industry.
  6. Collaborate with Trade Schools:
    • Partner with local vocational schools, community colleges, or trade schools that offer programs related to construction or decorative concrete. You may find graduates who are looking for employment opportunities.
  7. Referral Programs:
    • Encourage your current employees to refer qualified candidates. Offer incentives for successful hires through employee referral programs.
  8. Word of Mouth:
    • Spread the word within your professional network and the local community. Sometimes, personal recommendations can lead to the discovery of talented individuals.
  9. Online Job Platforms for Skilled Trades:
    • Explore niche job platforms that focus on skilled trades and construction jobs. Examples include Trade Hounds or Blue Collar Jobs.
  10. Recruitment Agencies:
    • Consider working with recruitment agencies that specialize in the construction industry. They can help you find candidates more efficiently, although this may involve additional costs.
  11. Create an Appealing Company Culture:
    • Develop a positive company culture that attracts and retains skilled workers. Showcase this culture on your website and in job postings to make your business an appealing place to work.
  12. Offer Competitive Compensation:
    • Ensure that your compensation packages are competitive within the industry. Skilled workers are more likely to consider job opportunities that offer fair and attractive pay.

Remember to thoroughly review resumes, conduct interviews, and check references to ensure you’re selecting candidates who not only have the necessary skills but also align with your company culture and values.

Congratulations on starting your own decorative concrete business! Advertising is crucial to attracting clients and building a strong customer base. Here are the first steps you should take to effectively promote your new venture. Remember, CTi has the ability to either assist you in these functions or complete them for you:

Develop a Clear Brand Identity:

  • Business Name and Logo: Choose a memorable name that reflects your services and create a professional logo. Consistency in branding is key.
  • Slogan or Tagline: Craft a catchy slogan or tagline that summarizes what sets your business apart. CTi uses both “Concrete Is Our Canvas” and “Bringing Design and Beauty to Concrete”

    Create a Professional Website:
  • Domain and Hosting: Register a domain name that reflects your business name. Invest in reliable web hosting.
  • Website Design: Hire a professional web designer or use website builders to create an attractive, user-friendly site. Ensure it’s mobile-responsive.
  • Content: Include essential information such as services offered, contact details, pricing (if applicable), and high-quality images of your work.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and regularly updating content.

    Establish an Online Presence
  • Social Media: Create profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Share images and videos of your concrete projects. Engage with your audience and respond to comments.
  • Google My Business: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing to appear in local searches.

    Develop a Marketing Plan
  • Identify Your Target Audience: Determine who your ideal clients are and tailor your marketing efforts to reach them.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Highlight what makes your decorative concrete business unique and better than competitors.
  • Budget: Set a realistic budget for advertising and marketing efforts.

    Online Advertising
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Consider running PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and social media. Target keywords related to decorative concrete services in your area.
  • Social Media Advertising: Create targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential customers. CTi’s Advertising Package, included in most Dealership packages, provides this type advertising to get your business up and running quickly.

    Content Marketing
  • Blog: Start a blog on your website to showcase your expertise in decorative concrete. Write informative articles about the benefits, design ideas, and maintenance of decorative concrete.
  • Video Marketing: Create video content, such as tutorials, project showcases, or client testimonials, to engage your audience.

    Networking and Partnerships
  • Local Networking: Join local business organizations and attend industry events to meet potential clients and partners.
  • Collaborations: Partner with local contractors, landscapers, or interior designers who may recommend your services.

    Online Reviews and Testimonials
  • Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied clients to leave reviews on Google, Yelp, and other relevant platforms.
  • Case Studies: Showcase successful projects as case studies on your website.

    Measure and Adjust
  • Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to track the performance of your advertising efforts.
  • Feedback: Listen to client feedback and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

    Remember that building a solid online presence and reputation takes time. Consistency and persistence in your advertising efforts are essential. As your business grows, you can expand your marketing strategies and explore new opportunities to reach a wider audience.