Tips for Effective Lead Follow Up
- The advertising you do for your business can be one of the best investments you make. When advertising is done correctly, it leads to people showing interest and wanting more information. Use the tips below to follow up on the folks who express interest in your products; they will lead to more sales and more revenue for your business.
- Contact the lead as soon as possible.
- Contact the lead in different ways (phone call, email, text). Different people like communicating in different ways so don’t leave a resource at your disposal unused.
- Refer to the reason you’re contacting the lead when speaking with the prospect or when leaving a message, email or text. (I’m responding to your inquiry through Facebook regarding having the Concrete Technology System installed).
- Continue trying to contact the lead until you get a final answer from the customer, either a firm no or an appointment to come see the job site and provide an estimate.
- Don’t try to sell the product over the phone, email or text. Your goal in following up on a lead is to set an appointment where you can examine the job site and determine the best solution for the customer. Only then can you provide a realistic estimate.
- Set a firm time to meet with the prospect at their home. Make sure anyone who will be involved with the final decision will be available for the meeting. Be on time and prepared for the meeting once it comes around.
- A “Drip Marketing” campaign can increase appointments set as well as number of sales made. A drip marketing campaign is simply a way of methodically putting a message and your company’s name in front of the prospect on a regular basis. These type campaigns have proven to increase the number of sales made from the current lead flow by 15% to 20%.