When considering where to advertise and how much to spend, you need to know what model your business is operating within. A typical CTi Dealer needs six prospective customers contacting his business in order to set four appointments to go out and look at the project and offer a price. Out of those four appointments, one sale is made on average.
With this information, you can figure out what you need to do from an advertising standpoint in order to achieve your business’ goals. If your goal is to have $400,000 in top line revenue and your average project brings in $6000, you know you’ll need approximately 65-70 projects completed for the year. Take this information and combine it with the advertising model and you can calculate you’ll need approximately 420 people contacting your business for the year and you will need to offer 280 of those folks an estimate for them to consider.
The final question to consider then is how to most cost effectively generate the 420 interested prospects through a combination of advertising and referrals.